Macroeconomists have so far tried to model the smooth aggregate dynamics of large social system beginning from the behaviour of a pretty smart 'representative individual', in order to reduce the outcome of economic activities to the result of a rational optimisation choice process. Methodologically and operationally this vision has nowadays shown all its weakness, however, and in the last few years new ways to 'do' macroeconomics without representative agent's assumption have been explored.
In 1995 a group of researchers of the Department of Economics of the University of Ancona started to investigate some issues avoiding the use of the ubiquitous Representative Agent.
At the very begining we started to work upon these topics indipendently, but as we decided to co-ordinate our effort to exploit the positive spillover coming from the coordination of the interest of heterogeneous agents.
This is the reason for which we costitute a group of research at the Department of Economics of Ancona, the aim of this group is to informally meet and discuss our researches and to exchange information. Particular, we invite whoever is working in this field or is interested in discussing relate topics to contact us by e-mail ( ) or subscribing our mailing list. To join us send a mail directly to the mailing list writing subscribe siec in the body. Then send mail to the mailing list
Web site manteined by Fabio Fiorillo